Convertor has a feature that allows to delete all composed units\n\
using a base unit being deleted. You activate it if you select\n\
delete composed with a base unit selected.\n\
Do you wish to do it or just delete this base unit?\n\
You can also ask me how many composed units will be deleted before\n\
Note: To delete a base unit without having this requester, just use\n\
"Delete" in the "Base" menu.
; CountResultA- number -CountResultB- Name of the base unit -CountResultC- number -CountResultD
msgCountResultA (//)
I've found
msgCountResultB (//)
composed unit(s) using the
msgCountResultC (//)
base unit.\n\
So do you want to delete the base unit and those
msgCountResultD (//)
composed units\n\
Or only the base unit?
msgCompVsBgT (//)
No Composed unit in Base Group.
msgCompVsBg (//)
Sorry, the Base Group can only contain Base Units.\n\
You can create a new Base unit if you drop a value field in this list.
msgZeroVsCplxT (//)
Set Zero vs complex unit
msgZeroVsCplx (//)
The Set Zero function can only be used\n\
for Base units (or single Composed units)
msgChkRenameBase (//)
Warning, do you really want to rename this unit?\n\
It is better to use Rename Composed so that all\n\
composed units using this base units will also\n\
be renamed.
msgChkDelBase (//)
Warning, do you really want to delete this unit?\n\
It is better to use Delete Composed so that all\n\
composed units using this base units will also\n\
be Deleted. If a base unit that is used by a composed unit\n\
is deleted, this composed unit can't be used!
msgChkDelUnit (//)
Do you really want to delete the unit
msgDCU (//)
Delete composed unit
msgDBU (//)
Delete base unit
msgRenameBase (//)
Rename Base Unit?
msgDeleteBaseVsCT (//)
Delete Base vs Composed Unit
;"and" is inclosed between \eu and \en to be underlined.
;msgDeleteBaseVsC is followed by msgDeleteBaseVsC[2 or 3]
msgDeleteBaseVsC (//)
Warning: You selected Delete base unit with a composed unit selected.\n \
If you agree now, Convertor will delete the composed unit uandn the\n \
following base
msgDeleteBaseVsC2 (//)
units. Think before accepting!c
msgDeleteBaseVsC3 (//)
unit. Think before accepting!c
msgDeleteBaseVsCB (//)
*Delete Composed _only|Delete _Everything|_Cancel
msgChkRenameBoth (//)
You asked to rename a Base Unit with a\n\
Composed unit selected. Do you wish to\n\
rename both to the same name?
msgRenameBoth (//)
Rename unit?
msgChkRenameGroup (//)
Rename Group?
msgNewGroup (//)
Enter name of new group.
msgChkChangeComposed (//)
Change Composed Unit?
msgBaseVsComposed (//)
Rename Base vs Composed
msgUseComposed (//)
To rename a composed unit (in other words: to change it),\n\
you have to use Composed:Rename.
;You may add your name/e-mail at the end of that message: "Translation by <...>"
msgAboutReq (//)
This Program is Giftware; Please send me something if you like it or use it.\n\
(See the Giftware Chapter in the guide)\n\
The Unregistered version can be freely distributed if NO modification is made.\n\
(See the distribution chapter in the guide)\n\
Program and idea by Maxime Gamboni (\n\
Original English Catalog by Maxime Gamboni
msgRegisterReq (//)
Please register ;-)\n\n\
(see the about message)
msgExchange (//)
The ultimate Unit converter.
msgAboutUDT (//)
About UnitData..
msgAboutUD (//)
The current UnitData is composed of:\n
msgBaseUnits (//)
Base Units
msgGroupsI (//)
msgSItypes (//)
Si Types
msgTheCGA (//)
The current group
msgTheCGB (//)
msgComposedUnits (//)
Composed Units
msgReqToConvert (//)
To convert
msgReqInto (//)
msgReqDivide (//)
* Divide by
msgReqMultiply (//)
* Multiply by
msgReqAdd (//)
* Add
msgReqSubstract (//)
* Substract
msgSaveAsT (//)
Save UnitData As...
msgLoadFromT (//)
Select a UnitData to open..
msgValueHelp (//)
This is a value field.\nChanging it makes it the\nSTART value.
msgUnitHelp (//)
This a unit field. Drag units in\nit to perform the selected action
msgActionHelp (//)
These buttons specify how\nConvertor will\nreact when a unit\n is selected.\n× multiplies by the selected unit,\n÷ divides and\n= replaces.
msgAccHelp (//)
Set here the number of significant digits to be diplayed.
msgLdHelp (//)
Mainly used for\n temperatures.\nLevel is e.g. what a thermometer\n displays\n and\nDifference is\n e.g. a RAISE of temperature.
msgGroupsLHelp (//)
This is the Groups list,\n Click on one to make\nit the current group.
msgPrefixesLHelp (//)
This is the Prefixes list.\n ''Original'' keeps the prefixe(s)\nof the selected unit, and\nothers override it.\nActs when you select\n a new unit.
msgUnitsLHelp (//)
This is the Units list.\nIt shows the units\ncontained in the current\nGroup. Click twice or drag one to\nperform selected action.\nSee Action, Prefixes and Group
msgUnknownError (//)
Unknown error number:
msgSaveUDA (//)
Saving UnitData:Writing Bases
msgSaveUDB (//)
Saving UnitData:Writing Groups
msgNoApp (//)
Couldn''t create Application object!
msgNoAslRequest (//)
Couldn't allocate Asl Requester!
msgLowMemory (//)
Low Memory!
msgUnitNotFound (//)
Unit not found
msgUnknownUnit (//)
Unknown Unit
msgNoMui (//)
Couldn't open muimaster.library!
msgUnknowncomp (//)
Unknown comparison mode
msgNoAsl (//)
Couldn't open asl.library!
msgFailure (//)
*** !FAILURE! ***
msgInternalFailureT (//)
msgInternalFailure (//)
I detected some incoherent information within Convertor.\n\
You can continue using it, but it may be better to exit.
msgERnoud (//)
UnitData not found.
msgERemud (//)
UnitData is empty.
msgERbadud (//)
Bad UnitData version (Type4 required).
msgERbadformat (//)
Bad UnitData format (Did not find needed tags)
;normal...b BOLD n ...normal again
msgNoBasesTag (//)
Message from load: bBasesn tag not found.
msgNoSiTag (//)
Message from load: bSin tag not found.
msgWrongEOF (//)
Message from load: found EOF at a wrong place.
msgWrongTag (//)
Message from load: found a tag within a Base unit definition.